Shared Services of Alaska
Shared Services of Alaska
Aged A/R and Debt Recovery - Individuals and Businesses FAQs
I received a letter/phone call...
Where can I make a payment?...
My PFD was garnished...
Where can I view and print my PFD garnishments?...
How do I look up my case in Court View?...
I received a letter/phone call...
Shared Services of Alaska (SSoA) has authorized the following private collection agency(ies) to collect delinquent debt on behalf of the State of Alaska. If you received a letter or phone call from an authorized collection agency listed below, please contact their office to arrange for payment as soon as possible. SSoA and authorized collection agencies are committed to assisting Alaska consumers to improve their financial integrity. If you are unable to make full and immediate payment, you must contact the authorized collection agency to resolve your account.
In efforts to avoid escalated collection actions, it is always best to resolve account balances as quickly as possible.
Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC
(888) 834-6958 / Fax: (614) 452-6099
Make a Payment or Send Correspondence
P.O. Box 30469
Columbus , OH 43230
When mailing correspondence, please provide pertinent information (i.e. account and/or case number), which will assist in locating the debt.
Where can I make a payment?
Shared Services of Alaska (SSoA) has authorized the following private collection agency(ies) to collect delinquent debt on behalf of the State of Alaska. If you received a letter or phone call from an authorized collection agency listed below, please contact their office to arrange for payment as soon as possible. SSoA and authorized collection agencies are committed to assisting Alaska consumers to improve their financial integrity. If you are unable to make full and immediate payment, you must contact the authorized collection agency to resolve your account.
In efforts to avoid escalated collection actions, it is always best to resolve account balances as quickly as possible.
Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC
(888) 834-6958 / Fax: (614) 452-6099
Make a Payment or Send Correspondence
P.O. Box 30469
Columbus , OH 43230
When mailing correspondence, please provide pertinent information (i.e. account and/or case number), which will assist in locating the debt.
My PFD was garnished.
Pursuant to Administrative Bulletin 43, the Department of Administration, Shared Services of Alaska (SSoA), garnishes the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, on behalf of the State of Alaska, for fines, fees, or surcharges ordered in minor offense, criminal, underage consuming and civil cases.
The debt reference/case number (e.g. 3AN-18-00001CR), can be viewed on the Dividend Distribution form sent from Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend Division. The case number is in reference to a criminal or minor offense judgment. Fines, fees and surcharges transferred for collections, can be viewed and verified in CourtView an online public website. Click here for information on how to locate your case in CourtView.
If the debt that was garnished should have been credited due to electronic monitoring (EM), Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP), community work service (CWS), or an Interlock Ignition Device (IID), please contact the court where the case was opened for assistance.
If it is known the garnishment was committed in error due to the case/ticket belonging to a different defendant, being paid, dismissed, corrected or vacated, please fill out a CIV-570 Request to Return PFD Taken by Mistake form.
If the debt that was garnished, is for a defaulted judgment in a minor offense case (MO) and it is still within two years after the date of judgment, a TR-420 Motion to Vacate a Defaulted Judgment form can be completed and submitted, please see form for submittal instructions. You must meet certain requirements to fill out this form including, (1) it is known you had a good reason for failing to respond or appear, (2) you have a good defense to the charges against you if your case is reopened, or (3) you feel the proceedings were not fair (see form for applicable reasons).
If assistance and/or additional information regarding the garnishment of the Permanent Fund Dividend is needed, please contact Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC.
+1 (888) 834-6958 (phone)
+1 (614) 452-6099 (fax)
Where can I view and print my PFD garnishments?
To view garnishment information provided on the Dividend Distribution form, that is included in the 1099-MISC form, please see the instructions below:
Click the link:
Click on the myPFD button on the right of the screen.
Click the Yes, Proceed button.
Please fill out all of the required fields and click on the Submit Search button.
Under Applicant Filing History, please click on the application Details button you would like to view.
Under Tax Document, download the 1099-MISC for tax purposes.
The Dividend Distribution form should be the 3rd page. This form is printable.
How do I look up my case in CourtView?
Effective July 25, 2017, Shared Services of Alaska (SSoA) assumed responsibility from the Department of Law to collect unsecured debts owed to the State of Alaska, pursuant to Administrative Bulletin 43. The agreement includes the transfer of delinquent fines and other debts for collection in criminal, underage consuming, minor offense, and civil cases.
- Unsecured debts owed to the State of Alaska will be transferred to SSoA within 30 days after the due date.
- A continuing writ of execution, on the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, has been issued. The writ of execution allows SSoA to seize the defendant's Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend to satisfy all judgments, including any interest and costs ordered, owed to the State of Alaska.
- There is no requirement to send notices of delinquency to defendants prior to transferring delinquent fines and associated costs and surcharges for collection.
Please follow the steps below to look up your case on the CourtView Public Access Website:
Step 1: On the CourtView Public Access Website, click the blue Search Cases button.
Step 2: Search for your case using the information you have:
A. Case Number. Enter your case number including leading zeros. Click Search.
B. Name. Click on the Name tab. Enter a last and first name or a company name. Click Search.
C. Ticket/Citation #. Click on the Ticket/Citation# tab. Enter the ticket number. Click Search.
If you have difficulty locating the case referenced in CourtView, please remove any additional characters (e.g. 3AN-S18-000001CR or 3AN-S18-000001MODJ). Please note, the case number format has varied over the years.
Step 3: Based on your search, a list of cases may appear. Click on the relevant case number, and you will be taken to a page that provides All Information on that case. You can use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate to a specific section of the case: Party, Charge, Event, Docket, Financial, Checks, Receipt, and Financial Dockets.
Step 4: Scroll down to the Financial Summary or select the Financial tab to view the fines, fees, and surcharges due on the case.